Native American Village @ Blogspot

The blog companion to the Native American Village, the free community and careers site for indigenous peoples, part of the Multicultural Villages network.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Head on Down to Thunder in the Desert 2008 - Tucson

It's big, it's massive, it's's Thunder in the Desert - 2008, aka the First Peoples' World Fair & Powwow, running in Tucson from Dec. 28-Jan. 6.

With a kind assist from Wordswork Consulting, we got wind of what promises to be a terrific bash of the kind that only comes every four years. The event, sponsored/promoted by Reservation Creations Women's Circle Charitable Trust and, will celebrate "10,000 years of culture, 150 tribal nations" at Rillito Raceway in Tucson, AZ.

For more detail about the event as well as images by Nancy Smith - Jones, see

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Featured Opportunity: Benefit Plan Advisor Michigan Tribal Government Retirement System

Calling attention to a new recent opporutnity posted on the Career Center of interest to Michigan readers:

The Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Michigan in Lansing has posted an opening for a Benefit Plan Advisor responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of the marketing plan, focusing on Tribal Government Retirement System (TGRS) members and potential members, and on 501 (c) (3) non-profit organizations. This position will assist in the oversight of all aspects of the TGRS and ERISA plans, including receiving requests for new plans and providing on-going service to existing plans.

Some of the baseline qualifications:

• A Bachelor’s degree in business administration, public administration, marketing or management related course of study
• Three to five year’s of experience in administration, marketing or management, or of progressively more responsible experience
• Or an equivalent combination of education and experience

For more details, see the posting at the link above. For more opportunities, not all Native-specific, see Featured Jobs at IMDiversity or do a custom search.

Find: Alaska Native Heritage Month Projects

According to the U.S.Census Bureau, "American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month originated in 1915 when the president of the Congress of American Indian Associations issued a proclamation declaring the second Saturday in May of each year as American Indian Day. The first American Indian Day was celebrated in May 1916 in New York. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed a joint congressional resolution designating November 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations have been issued every year since 1994."

Still, you can be hard put to find much in the way of widespread programming commemorating Native American / Alaskan Native Heritage Month in general. But the TV documentaries, film festivals, local events, and so forth that really focus on folks up in 49th state? Particularly slim pickins, yes?

One good starting point we stumbled across is Alaska Native Heritage Month, which provides a list of events programming in the state ranbging from plays to films to museum exhibitions and talks.

Another project in progress is a blog put together by a student crew at the University of Alaska in Anchorage that "seeks to highlight resources and research related to Alaska's indigenous people and their history." Although its tendrils focusing on specific aspects of community life (seperate blogs dedicated to business, culture, housing, and women) are still sparsely posted, they say they'll be updating this month, and the main nav is a good launching point into an extensive network of UA- and community-based bibliographic and other websites including the UA-Fairbanks Alaska Native Knowledge Network.

Happen to be in (or planning to be in) Anchorage? The Alaska Native Heritage Center has published a number of events for its Winter/Spring running right up through April.

Happen to not be in Alaska? You can still reach out and hear some news, views and tunes on KBC - the Koahnic Broadcast Corporation - a nonprofit, Alaska Native governed and operated media center located in Anchorage, Alaska.

You know of other good sites? Let us know.


[Jobs in Alaska from IMDiversity Career Center]

Friday, November 02, 2007

American Indian / Alaska Native Heritage Month 2007

This from the U.S. Census Bureau, whose Facts for Features series always gives some good statistical fun at the launch of the country's various commemorative heritage months:

The first American Indian Day was celebrated in May 1916 in New York. Red
Fox James, a Blackfeet Indian, rode horseback from state to state, getting
endorsements from 24 state governments, to have a day to honor American Indians.

In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed a joint congressional resolution
designating November 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations have been issued every year since 1994. This Facts for Features
presents data for American Indians and Alaska Natives, as this is one of the six
major race categories....


American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month: November 2007
Facts and stats from the Census Bureau

National American Indian Heritage Month, 2007
Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

Thursday, August 23, 2007

9th Annual NAMMY Nominees Announced




New York, NY (August 6, 2007) - Nominations for the Ninth Annual Native American Music Awards were announced today by The Native American Music Awards & Association (N.A.M.A). Due to a record number of recording submissions received in the past year, the Awards have expanded both its number of categories and nominees; from 26 to 30 music categories and from five to six nominees in each category. This year, 180 nominees are featured throughout the 30 music Award categories.

Topping this year’s nominations are; Brule’ and AIRO featuring Paul LaRoche (Lakota) with five nominations for Kinship and Silent Star Night; Jim Boyd Band (Colville) for Live At Two Rivers, Jana (Lumbee) for An American Indian Story, and new artist Shelley Morningsong (Northern Cheyenne) for Out of the Ashes all with four nods each. Arigon Starr, JSK, Pipestone, Susan Aglukark, Tamara Podemski and Arvel Bird have three each, and Brian Hammill, Corn-Bred, Donna Kay, Douglas Blue Feather, Evren Ozan, Exit Wound, Night Shield, Jamie Coon, Jan Michael Looking Wolf, John Two-Hawks and Bastiaan, Keith Secola & Karen Drift, Mary Youngblood, Michael Bucher, Michael Jacobs, Peter Buffett & Chief Hawk Pope, Radmilla Cody, Raven Hernandez, Robert Mirabal, Robert Tree Cody, Talibah Begay, Thoz Womenz, Tonemah, Wade Fernandez and Women of Wabano have earned two nominations each.

“This is an absolutely incredible assemblage of professional artists and talent that have exceeded our expectations for the year. They truly are the best of the best. These outstanding music initiatives are reflecting the tremendous growth and artistic expressions taking place within our genre and in our communities not only here in the United States but also from other parts of the world including; Canada, South America and Australia,” states Ellen Bello, Founder/CEO of the Native American Music Awards. “The Ninth Annual Awards show will be nothing less than a monumentally magnificent show.”

The Ninth Annual Native American Music Awards will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2007 at the Seneca Niagara Casino Events Center in Niagara Falls, NY and will be broadcast on the new MHZ Networks in November 2007.

To see the complete list of nominees (and hear good clips from some) in zillions of categories, check out

Friday, May 25, 2007

Call for Nominations for NAMMYs

Well, seems a bit early, but this from a release sent in by Silver Wave:

The 2007 Native American Music Awards (NAMMYS) are now underway. Silver Wave artists have won a multitude of NAMMYS over the years and this year Shelley Morningsong and Mary Youngblood are entered in several categories. The public is invited to participate in the first round voting on line at We encourage you to support these Silver Wave artists and help make them winners at the exciting NAMMY Awards show in October.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Featured Jobs of the Month from IMDiversity Career Center

A listing from our Featured Jobs of the Month from IMDiversity Career Center:

"Native American Village Contributors Native American Village
Location Open"

Native American Village is inviting applications from talented, engaged people in all locations who might be interested in contributing to the Village. Having recently emphasized news and careers, the Multicultural Villages network has been quite a bit, and its staff and contributors diversifying. As a result, we hope to contact like-minded folk to help us both present a wider range of content and ideas, and continue in our effort to promote job recruitment for a more diverse workforce. We welcome both applications and any other input.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

ASNE Report Finds Percentage of Minorities in Newsrooms Declining

According to the American Newspaper Editors Association 2007 survey on the representation of minorities in U.S. news media, the percentages of minority and women journalists working in America’s newsrooms both declined in the past year. According to ASNE, it is only the second time since the survey started in 1978 that the percentage of minorities has declined.

In a year marked by news organization layoffs that were headlines in themselves, ASNE’s annual “census” found that the percentage of minorities fell to 13.62 percent, down from 13.87 last year. The percentage of women also dropped from 37.70 to 37.56 percent.

The percentage of minorities in supervisory roles at daily newspapers dropped to 10.9 percent, equal to the percentage from two years ago. The downward trend holds true for student and entry-level employment as well. According to ASNE’s release, the percentage of minority interns stands at nearly 27 percent, “a number that has continued to fall as newspapers cut back” on internships.

The one silver lining in the report seemed to come from online media. ASNE’s census of daily newspapers for the first time counted full-time staffers who work entirely at online publishing activities by their companies. Among online media staffs, the percentage of minorities on staff was an estimated 16 percent, which helped make the drop in overall employment numbers seem less severe than they might have been.

See a fuller report at IMDiversity, ASNE Report Finds Percentage of Minorities in Newsrooms Declining, or view detailed data tables from the census at the ASNE website.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

From Reznet: Moving Images from a Spring Break on the Gulf

This is the time of year across the country that "boys and girls go WILD," as the screaming video boxes and late-night direct response ads put it, descending on tropical cities en masse for spring break. But in recent years, some young people have undertaken to put their spring break energies towards something other than drinking and carrying on, through alternative spring breaks providing assistance to the rebuilding of the Gulf region.

Just one such young person was Sarah Welliver, Métis, a contributor to Reznet and a senior studying photojournalism at the University of Montana in Missoula. We wanted to call attention to her moving photo essay at Reznet, Rebuilding the Abandoned. It is based on her travels to volunteer in Mississippi, reminding us that while our company's hometown of New Orleans certainly faced its share of catastrophe during and after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, there remains enormous work to do throughout the impacted neighboring states that are sometimes left out of the public eye. Among the smaller communities devastated but little covered in the major news headlines was the area ofwith death comes life" and that such personal acts have the capacity to bring about positive change after the crisis is over.

Hats off to the young journalists at Reznet for their continuing coverage. And hats off, too, to the thousands of students of all backgrounds across the country who are bringing their volunteer energies to aid their southern neighbors this season.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weekend Maintenance on IMDiversity
Our site servers will be undergoing maintenance this weekend, starting midnight Friday. During this period there may brief outages on our sites at and the Multicultural Villages, the IMDiversity Career Center and Job Bank, and THE BLACK COLLEGIAN Online Job Bank. We apologize for any inconvenience to our visitors and thank you for your patience."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Seeking Native American Village Contributors

From Featured Jobs of the Month from IMDiversity Career Center: Native American Village seeks contributors to help update the Village and perhaps other site areas with fresh, relevant content from an in-community perspective. Location open. Click "Native American Village Contributors" for more.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Work, Leadership in Healthcare Not Just for Doctors & Nurses

So, you want to be a doctor?

A little while ago, we reported the findings of a recent survey on the career preferences of diverse college students, conducted by Universum and reported in our sister publication, THE BLACK COLLEGIAN Magazine.

Among the interesting, but maybe not surprising findings: Asked to define the preferred industry suiting their career goals, American Indian/Alaska Native students were the only group whose majority preference lay in public service or educational sectors rather than in the financial or management arenas. -- even when factoring the MBAs. For the AI/AN group, the most desirable careers were in either the Government/Public service (23%) or Healthcare (23%) sectors. Tied for second place among their preferences were careers in Education/Teaching (15%) or Academic Research (15%).

In additional research we uncovered while redesigning our Healthcare Industry Career Channel, these interests marry well among those Native executives already entrenched in the industry. According to the American College of of Healthcare Executives, Native American healthcare executives overall are focused in small, government hospitals, and have the highest percentage working at public health agencies or military (non-hospital) services. Some 81 percent of Native American healthcare executives report working at a government-owned facility of some kind. They are also by far the most likely of all ethnic groups to work at smaller hospitals (median number of beds from 35 for women to 75 for men).

On the flip-side, they are also least likely to work at a freestanding hospital or as private consultants, where compensation is generally higher.

With healthcare among the fastest-growing industries in the country, certainly the opportunities for those who wish to help others in need are multiplying, and the needs of employers are swelling as well. Rural locations, in particular, face serious shortages of doctors, dentists, nurses and other professionals, including much of Indian Country.

At a time when funding for Indian health is rocky, finding dedicated healthcare professionals may become even more difficult and competitive than it already is.

But what our research reminds us is that not everyone is cut out to be doctor, and that those devoted to working in healthcare on principle have many and increasing paths, regardless of the school major or previous career paths. Technicians, IT, office management, billing and support staff and more are in increasing demand in this sector, and much of the growth centers on smaller, non-hospital entities such as home care services or nursing homes. In fact, in one of the Channel's recently published articles, Employment Outlook: Top Fields for Job Hunters by the CareerJournal, healthcare is listed as the top for 2007, but the focus is on nonclinical jobs.

We've expanded our Channel with additional information about some of the healthcare-related positions that don't require a specialized medical degree, and we'll keep adding to it with outlook and earnings reports, and more in future updates.


“I commend Senator Byron Dorgan, the new chairman of the Senate Committee on
Indian Affairs, who is working on legislation to increase clinic hours and
doctor availability on reservations and encourage more low-cost health care for
American Indians and Alaska Natives. But the battle from last year is
still underway. When we win it, we will see the Indian health care system
brought into the 21st century to address matters at the heart of family and
community life: mental health, substance abuse, youth suicide, and the challenge
of attracting and retaining health care professionals of the first rank.”

- NCAI President Joe Garcia Delivers 5th Annual State of Indian Nations Address at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., January 25, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

Census, Tribes Get Going on 2010 Count

The U.S. Census Bureau has begun to mail out advance informational booklets to all federally recognized tribal governments asking for assistance in providing updated addresses for their reservations and off-reservation trust lands.

This early, concerted effort is part of the Census Bureau’s plan to make the 2010 Census as accurate as possible, says the Bureau's release.

The Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota was one of only two sites nationwide selected by the Census Bureau to participate in a 2006 Census Test designed to improve counting methods for the 2010 Census. Additionally, the Census Bureau plans to conduct a series of American Indian and Alaska Native consultation meetings this year with federally recognized tribes across the country in preparation for the 2010 Census.

Learn more at the Census Bureau or check out our homepage.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Native American Village / IMDiversity Career Center Featured Opportunities

Editors' Picks Featured this Weekend:

Multicultural UG Paid Internship Program - Museum and the Arts
The Getty Foundation - Los Angeles
In order to increase diversity in the professions related to museums and the visual arts, the Getty is offering summer internships at the Getty Center and Villa to undergraduates of culturally diverse backgrounds. Specifically invited are outstanding students who are members of groups currently underrepresented in museum professions and fields related to the visual arts and humanities: individuals of African American, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islander descent. Internships provide training and work experience in areas such as conservation, library collections, publications, museum education, curatorship, grants administration, public programs, site operations, and information technology.
Deadline: March 1, 2007

For additional opportunities related to the visual and digital arts, also see iDMAa Jobs: The International Digital Media & Arts Association, powered by IMDiversity through our Employment Opportunity Network.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January - Welcome Back, and...Apocalypto

After some time off for family and travel, the editors wish everyone a happy, healthy and productive new year. We hope you had a chance to stop by over the holidays for some the features on the Village, where at least one of the more persistent stories was the buzz surrounding Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.

Sure, some viewers were pleased at least to see Maya represented on the silver screen, and often in-language -- nothing if not a rare movie-going experience.

For Gerardo Aldana of New America Media, though, one question about the film was simply, Where Was the Maya Civilization in Apocalypto?

In asking this question, Adana is inserting "Real" before "Maya Civilization". Although most viewers are doubtlessly not experts in background of this civilization, to many scholars familiar with the intricate, complex legacy of the Maya, "Mel Gibson's new film is an affront and embarrassment to that history," the article claims.

Writing for The Nation, Earl Shorris had stronger words regarding "Mad Mel and the Maya".

What do you think?