Native American Village @ Blogspot

The blog companion to the Native American Village, the free community and careers site for indigenous peoples, part of the Multicultural Villages network.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Native American Village / IMDiversity Career Center Featured Opportunities

Editors' Picks Featured this Weekend:

Multicultural UG Paid Internship Program - Museum and the Arts
The Getty Foundation - Los Angeles
In order to increase diversity in the professions related to museums and the visual arts, the Getty is offering summer internships at the Getty Center and Villa to undergraduates of culturally diverse backgrounds. Specifically invited are outstanding students who are members of groups currently underrepresented in museum professions and fields related to the visual arts and humanities: individuals of African American, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, and Pacific Islander descent. Internships provide training and work experience in areas such as conservation, library collections, publications, museum education, curatorship, grants administration, public programs, site operations, and information technology.
Deadline: March 1, 2007

For additional opportunities related to the visual and digital arts, also see iDMAa Jobs: The International Digital Media & Arts Association, powered by IMDiversity through our Employment Opportunity Network.