What Do American Indian and Alaskan Native College Students Want in a Career?:
2007 Diversity Employers survey finds flexibility, opportunities to serve, higher priority than just making money
By the IMDiversity Career Center Staff
A follow-up to last year's Diversity Employers survey finds flexibility, opportunities to serve, remain highest priorities for Native college students and MBAs, when compared with surveyed groups of other backgrounds. However, it also shows shifts within the Native student population from last year, and sees increasing common ground being built among Natives, African Americans, and Pacific Islanders, South Asian Indian Americans, and Latinos in particular.
Just for one thing, Healthcare has dropped fairly significantly as a top ideal industry since last year, while interestingly, Non-Profit work has risen. Also of interest is how the most common definitions of "diversity" have changed since last year's survey, among Natives and all ethnic groups.
Some survey highlights posted on the Village were extracted from a larger, illustrated report, the Top 100 IDEAL Employers - Diversity Edition 2007, presented by Universum and our sister publication from IMDiversity, THE BLACK COLLEGIAN Magazine.
We give our light take on it in the article on NAV, but are also really, really interested to hear how you might interpret the findings. We hope you'll leave us a comment letting us know your thoughts on what this comparative survey might say about our work values, commonalities and differences, not just between ethnic groups, but also possibly genders, tribes and generations.
Native American Village @ Blogspot
The blog companion to the Native American Village, the free community and careers site for indigenous peoples, part of the IMDiversity.com Multicultural Villages network.