Native American Village @ Blogspot

The blog companion to the Native American Village, the free community and careers site for indigenous peoples, part of the Multicultural Villages network.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Featured Jobs of the Month from IMDiversity Career Center

A listing from our Featured Jobs of the Month from IMDiversity Career Center:

"Native American Village Contributors Native American Village
Location Open"

Native American Village is inviting applications from talented, engaged people in all locations who might be interested in contributing to the Village. Having recently emphasized news and careers, the Multicultural Villages network has been quite a bit, and its staff and contributors diversifying. As a result, we hope to contact like-minded folk to help us both present a wider range of content and ideas, and continue in our effort to promote job recruitment for a more diverse workforce. We welcome both applications and any other input.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

ASNE Report Finds Percentage of Minorities in Newsrooms Declining

According to the American Newspaper Editors Association 2007 survey on the representation of minorities in U.S. news media, the percentages of minority and women journalists working in America’s newsrooms both declined in the past year. According to ASNE, it is only the second time since the survey started in 1978 that the percentage of minorities has declined.

In a year marked by news organization layoffs that were headlines in themselves, ASNE’s annual “census” found that the percentage of minorities fell to 13.62 percent, down from 13.87 last year. The percentage of women also dropped from 37.70 to 37.56 percent.

The percentage of minorities in supervisory roles at daily newspapers dropped to 10.9 percent, equal to the percentage from two years ago. The downward trend holds true for student and entry-level employment as well. According to ASNE’s release, the percentage of minority interns stands at nearly 27 percent, “a number that has continued to fall as newspapers cut back” on internships.

The one silver lining in the report seemed to come from online media. ASNE’s census of daily newspapers for the first time counted full-time staffers who work entirely at online publishing activities by their companies. Among online media staffs, the percentage of minorities on staff was an estimated 16 percent, which helped make the drop in overall employment numbers seem less severe than they might have been.

See a fuller report at IMDiversity, ASNE Report Finds Percentage of Minorities in Newsrooms Declining, or view detailed data tables from the census at the ASNE website.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

From Reznet: Moving Images from a Spring Break on the Gulf

This is the time of year across the country that "boys and girls go WILD," as the screaming video boxes and late-night direct response ads put it, descending on tropical cities en masse for spring break. But in recent years, some young people have undertaken to put their spring break energies towards something other than drinking and carrying on, through alternative spring breaks providing assistance to the rebuilding of the Gulf region.

Just one such young person was Sarah Welliver, Métis, a contributor to Reznet and a senior studying photojournalism at the University of Montana in Missoula. We wanted to call attention to her moving photo essay at Reznet, Rebuilding the Abandoned. It is based on her travels to volunteer in Mississippi, reminding us that while our company's hometown of New Orleans certainly faced its share of catastrophe during and after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, there remains enormous work to do throughout the impacted neighboring states that are sometimes left out of the public eye. Among the smaller communities devastated but little covered in the major news headlines was the area ofwith death comes life" and that such personal acts have the capacity to bring about positive change after the crisis is over.

Hats off to the young journalists at Reznet for their continuing coverage. And hats off, too, to the thousands of students of all backgrounds across the country who are bringing their volunteer energies to aid their southern neighbors this season.