Native American Village @ Blogspot

The blog companion to the Native American Village, the free community and careers site for indigenous peoples, part of the Multicultural Villages network.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Head on Down to Thunder in the Desert 2008 - Tucson

It's big, it's massive, it's's Thunder in the Desert - 2008, aka the First Peoples' World Fair & Powwow, running in Tucson from Dec. 28-Jan. 6.

With a kind assist from Wordswork Consulting, we got wind of what promises to be a terrific bash of the kind that only comes every four years. The event, sponsored/promoted by Reservation Creations Women's Circle Charitable Trust and, will celebrate "10,000 years of culture, 150 tribal nations" at Rillito Raceway in Tucson, AZ.

For more detail about the event as well as images by Nancy Smith - Jones, see